pamlr Manual
1 Introduction
This is a user manual accompanying the R package pamlr, which provides a set of functions for analysing behaviour from multisensor geolocator data - primarily for small migratory birds (however the methods are generalisable). The package is setup for SOI-GDL3pam loggers (developped by the Swiss Ornithological Institute) which measure atmospheric pressure (P), activity (A), magnetisim (M), temperautre and light. However, other multisensor geolocator data may be used, if it is formatted in the same format as SOI-GDL3pam data (see Importing data).

Figure 1.1: SOI-GDL3pam logger, (c) Marcel Burkhardt, Swiss Ornithological Institute
1.1 Index
- Installing pamlr
- Importing data
- Visualising data
- Common data patterns
- Preparing data for analysis
- Analysis methods
- Classification accuracy
- Classifying migratory flapping flight in Hoopoes
- Classifying migratory flight in European bee-eaters
- Classifying migratory flight in Alpine Swifts
- A few last things to think about
1.2 Package citation
Dhanjal-Adams K.L., Willener A.S. T. & Liechti F. (201x) pamlr: a toolbox for analysing animal behaviour using Pressure, Acceleration, Temperature, Magnetic and Light data in R, Journal X
1.3 License
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 - see the LICENSE file for details